Your Week Ahead: June 27 to July 3, 2021 – Wise Decisions

6 of Coins, King of Swords, and 4 of Swords, from the Golden Tarot created by Kat Black.

The ability to determine who is truly helpful, what is it that they are helping us with, and ultimately to be in a position where we don’t require help, is at the heart of this week’s reading. One can also view this reading as moving away from the role of helper and into a more defined space with the ability to rest and feel at peace within healthy boundaries.

However, when I turned over the King of Swords, the first thing I heard was “rising up”. This led me to interpret the 6 of Coins card from the perspective of the two beggars rather than the rich merchant giving them coins. The 6 of Coins most often represents something helpful rather than codependent. It is the open engagement with a flow of energy either coming to us or coming through us.

Many times, we are placed in a position in life where we need others who are more experienced or knowledgeable. They are in a capacity to provide assistance easily and our rendezvous with them shows how we are a vibrational match to that life affirming assistance that wants us to move up and progress in whatever we are doing.

Being in contact with someone who is particularly helpful this week will help us move toward our goals. However, notice when a pattern of role playing starts to set it. We don’t want others to stay in that position where they are always providing us with something, nor do we want to remain in a position where we are always in need.

Having the King of Swords directly after represents ownership of one’s mind and thoughts. This shows our ability to make use of what we have learned and what we have received so that we can direct or manage it in a personal way, free from what others believe or advise.

The growth portrayed here is actually remarkable and shows an effective approach to resolving issues surrounding finances and self worth. The two are often deeply intertwined with both influencing each other and informing us of what is possible to achieve.

Having the 4 of Swords come after these two preceding cards emphasizes a real devotion to what is healthy for us, particularly what is healthy for our mind. We may feel a real need to step away from a relationship or situation that is causing us mental stress and anxiety. The relationship here doesn’t have to be intimate. It could be our relationship to an employer or even a banking institution, such as a loan. The king’s clarity on this matter is strong. He is also gentle. Notice how he holds his sword. With a light touch he makes wise decisions that keep him aligned with his integrity.

He is on his throne so he is in command and in a place of authority to execute his objectives and plans. The 4 of Swords is also a gentle card. We are rising up and away from a lower vibrational position where we were under the influence or direction of some larger circumstance, and are now directing our affairs in a manner that provides us the ability to put matters to rest on our own terms.

Affirmation: I allow the universe to assist me by aligning me with individuals and circumstances where I am growing and learning. It feels good knowing that I am getting the help I need at this time and I am deeply appreciative for everything I receive. In gaining knowledge, I seek to move into a more solid framework where I can make healthy decisions that are in alignment with my well-being. This gives me clarity and peace of mind, and I make time to celebrate what I’ve learned, knowing that I am in a more positive and productive place.

Thanks for reading, and I wish you a wonderful week!

Daniel Palmo

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let us be awake.

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